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How Failure And Humour Can Improve Learning

Ever found you remember something better when you’re having a giggle, or when you’ve got it completely wrong at first? Guest poster Anja Jurgenssen explains how her career in policing taught her that failure and humour can be used to improve learning in all different professions.

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Diversity & Inclusion, Neurodiversity, Disability ADHD Foundation Diversity & Inclusion, Neurodiversity, Disability ADHD Foundation

ADHD In The Workplace - Unlocking The Potential

Ever wondered how to support colleagues with ADHD in the workplace, but didn’t know where to start? This guest post by Arron Hutchinson from the ADHD Foundation (our Spring/Summer 2023 Chosen Charity) will help you to better understand the condition, and what you can do to support your neurodivergent colleagues.

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