About Us

After attending tons of clunky, impersonal and inaccessible training sessions over the years, our founder Madelaine realised just how big the need was for learning content that combines practical, inclusive content with engaging delivery. She set out to fill that gap, and in January 2022, Jackafal was born.

From day 1, we have focused on centering diversity and inclusion in everything we do. Our passion is to bring diversity and inclusion to life in workplaces, whether that’s through specific DEI training, or through enhancing other soft and technical skills workshops.

Maddie, a white woman in her 30s, is holding up a blue balloon with a slogan that says 'it's our birthday!'
A screenshot of a sildeshow saying 'congratulations' in many languages

Since then, we have worked with delegates in 5 different continents, from start-ups to multinational organisations. We have designed and delivered sessions for everyone from police officers to cloud engineers to pet insurance agents. Every client presents a new challenge - and we are experts at tailoring our training to be right for you and your participants.

As we continue to grow, we want to show that effective, engaging and inclusive training is not only possible, but should be a priority for every business in today’s world. Long gone are the day of 2 hour lectures with slides full of text - and Jackafal is here to lead the way.

Pledge 1%

Here at Jackafal, we’re passionate about giving back. We pledge 1% of all our invoices to charity as standard, because we believe it’s important to live by your values and practise the inclusivity you preach.

Our chosen charity for Autumn/Winter 2024 is the Anthony Walker Foundation. Previous charities we’ve pledged 1% to are:

Pledge 1% Logo
Gendered Intelligence Logo
ADHD Foundation Logo
Racial Equality Foundation logo